Zubsolv Abuse, Addiction, And Overdose Symptoms


Snorting Zubsolv is dangerous and can lead to dependence, addiction, and overdose. Using Zubsolv in ways other than directed increases health risks, leads to abuse, and may cause an increase in withdrawal symptoms. Zubsolv is meant to treat opioid dependence, not further the cycle of addiction.

What Is In Zubsolv?

Zubsolv is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone commonly prescribed to treat opioid addiction as a form of medication-assisted treatment. Buprenorphine is an opioid, but when compared to other opioids, it produces less euphoria, puts a cap on the effects of opioids, and has a lower potential for misuse. It produces milder effects than drugs like heroin or morphine, making it effective for treating dependence.

Buprenorphine is combined with naloxone in Zubsolv to prevent abuse; naloxone will block the opioid effects of buprenorphine if the drug is injected or misused. Combing naloxone with buprenorphine will also likely reduce symptoms of opioid withdrawal when used as directed.

Buprenorphine is a DEA schedule III controlled substance, which means it has potential for abuse and may be sought after by people suffering from opioid addiction. For this reason, Zubsolv should always be taken as directed.

How To Take Zubsolv Properly

When prescribed, Zubsolv comes as a sublingual tablet. Sublingual means the pill will dissolve under a person’s tongue. The medication should be taken however a doctor or physician instructs to do so, and the tablet should never be crushed, broken, chewed, or swallowed.

It’s important to allow Zubsolv to fully dissolve under the tongue; swallowing or chewing the tablet will likely prevent the medication from working as intended. The goal of Zubsolv is to prevent further abusing opioids and lessen physical dependence. Snorting Zubsolv is likely to do just the opposite, and may further worsen a substance use disorder (SUD).


The Dangers Of Snorting Zubsolv

People suffering from a substance use disorder (SUD) may snort drugs for a quicker high. Snorting Zubsolv causes the substance to enter the bloodstream and brain faster. Snorting opioids may produce a more intense high and set in much earlier than oral administration.

Because Zubsolv contains naloxone, which blocks the effects of opioids, snorting Zubsolv may be ineffective and fail to produce any intoxicating effects. Nonetheless, people struggling with abuse report snorting Zubsolv can lead to a stronger high, though this is dangerous and not recommended.

Snorting Zubsolv is also likely to cause damage along the nasal lining. The soft tissue in the human nose is not meant to absorb any powders. Snorting a crushed Zubsolv tablet will likely deteriorate the nasal membrane and prolonged use may cause lung problems. All air a person breathes is filtered through the nose, and snorting Zubsolv or other drugs may lead to lung infection and blocked nasal airways.

Snorting Zubsolv is a clear sign of drug abuse, which can have dangerous health consequences.

Signs Of Zubsolv Abuse And Misuse

Snorting and misusing Zubsolv may cause serious effects. These may include:

  • allergic reactions (rash or hives)
  • decrease in blood pressure
  • dizziness
  • liver problems
  • problems with coordination
  • respiratory problems
  • sleepiness

Other common side effects include nausea and vomiting, headache, insomnia, pain, and swelling of hands and feet.

Signs Of A Zubsolv Overdose

When a person snorts Zubsolv, they may take an uncontrolled amount. Taking too much Zubsolv can cause overdose. Overdose is also likely when a person mixes Zubsolv with benzodiazepines (I.E. Xanax) and alcohol. Mixing Zubsolv with these substance may cause breathing problems, the main cause of death during a drug overdose.

Other symptoms of overdose may include:

  • blurred vision
  • extreme sleepiness
  • lack of coordination
  • pinpoint pupils
  • problems thinking and concentrating
  • slowed breathing
  • slow reflexes
  • slurred speech

If untreated, a Zubsolv overdose may lead to coma or death. If a person is overdosing, 9-1-1 should be contacted immediately.

Abusing Zubsolv is also dangerous because it can lead to physical dependence. Physical dependence means the body gets used to having Zubsolv in the system, making it hard to stop use because of the onset of painful symptoms of withdrawal.

Zubsolv Withdrawal And Detox

Even though one of the main functions of taking Zubsolv is to help with symptoms of opioid withdrawal, abusing Zubsolv will likely make opioid withdrawal symptoms worse. Although safer than other opioids, abusing buprenorphine (one of the main ingredients in Zubsolv) may lead to withdrawal symptoms similar to heroin.

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Symptoms of Zubsolv withdrawal may include:

  • diarrhea
  • feeling abnormally hot or cold
  • goosebumps
  • muscle aches and pain
  • nausea
  • runny nose
  • watery eyes
  • shaking
  • sweating
  • vomiting

If symptoms of withdrawal are severe, or a person has a hard time stopping use on their own, a medically supervised detox may be a good course of action. A medically supervised detox occurs in a hospital or inpatient treatment center, and allows staff to monitor symptoms, administer medications when necessary, and offer support during the worst of withdrawal.

While medical supervision during detox is the first step of battling addiction, it is not a cure. Various treatments should occur following detox, and may take place at a residential inpatient treatment center.

Treatment For Zubsolv Abuse And Addiction

Snorting Zubsolv, a medication used to manage opioid dependence, is suggestive of a substance use disorder (SUD). SUDs are usually treated with a combination of medications and behavioral therapy.

Medication-assisted therapy, or MAT, involves the use of certain government approved medications to treat opioid dependence. Buprenorphine is one the approved medications, but a person abusing Zubsolv may require further treatment involving other medications, like methadone, combined with more intensive behavioral therapies.

If a person continues to abuse medications used to treat opioid dependence, then staying at an inpatient treatment center is likely best. Inpatient treatment centers are good for people with severe addiction who need strict protocol to stay clean.

Inpatient treatment centers are effective because they likely offer all the essentials of treating addiction under one roof: withdrawal support, medications, behavioral therapy, treatment for other mental or physical conditions, and peer support.

Contact OpioidTreatment.net today for more information on how to get help for Zubsolv abuse and addiction.

MedlinePlus - Buprenorphine

U.S. Food and Drug Administration - Medication Guide: Zubsolv

TIME - Why Snorting Powder is Bad


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